Get Your “Best Seller
Book Out This Year!

Launch Your Bestseller Now
Do you want to position yourself as an…

Authority, Influencer and Expert?

Pen and publish your book. Because when you publish your book, you…

Become a go-to expert in your domain

Cement your position as an expert

Perceived as a thought-leader

Drive more sales and grow your business

And the best part is writing and publishing your first book is easy than perceived. With right strategy and guidance you can publish your book at breezing speed and start leveraging the benefits.

Bring your book to life

There is no sugar-coating though. If you are a busy professional with multiple commitments, you may find writing and publishing your book difficult.

Here is where, a seasoned writing coach like Dinesh Verma can help you. He would..

Break through any writing blocks

Guide you what topic would work best with your niche

Help you select what publishing plan and marketing strategy would work best for you

Give you professional feedback and help you get your book published and marketed well

Dinesh does this with purpose. It is his life mission to help people write, publish and market their own book to share their knowledge and insights with all.

So, are you ready to wear the shoes of “Best-Selling Author”?

Join Dinesh Verma’s Upcoming FREE Masterclass

Launch Your Best-selling Book in 7-Days

This free online masterclass would help learn..

How to cut through the noise and position yourself as the undisputed expert in your niche

5 Secrets to Eliminate Myths stopping you to launch your multiple books

1 Masterstroke for Cost Conscious Culture to eliminate multiple books need

And much much more.

Don’t miss the next masterclass.

Meet Dinesh Verma

Renowned Book Publishing Coach,
10 Times No.1 Bestselling Author, and Publisher

Dinesh Verma

Dinesh is a founder of,, & He has 15+ years of experience working with many Established Ents, Coaches, Trainers, Healers & Consultants.

He is well sought-after strategist for his niche. His client list includes CEOs of private and companies, private equity firms, as well as other visionary and accomplished senior–level management, business consultants, sr. doctors, well-known healers, and top coaches seeking to position themselves for influencing authority.

Dinesh is a big fan of using book to work for business as purest and most cost effective marketing tool. He strongly believes that when you write & launch your book, you release your genie from the lamp. Now it will make you an authority, build your credibility, do PR and help increase sales & profit.

It would be injustice if I would not acknowledge Dinesh’s Strategic Book Planning.

It has actually made my book Bestseller as a result of that I have become an authority in my niche.

Dr. Ridwana sanam

Dr. Ridwana sanam
Author of "How to write off your pain?"

Dinesh's teachings and constant support were a great blessing for me! He not only helped me write my first book but also got it published.

What I am today is all because of Dinesh.

Dr. S. Veda Padma Priya

Dr. S. Veda Padma Priya
Author of "Life, Survival and Beyond"

Get Your copy of Dinesh’s Latest Book

10 Reasons Why You Should Write a Book

This book will help you to know...

How to build credibility and authority.

How to break through any writing blocks

How to write a bestseller book

Instantly download your copy for FREE!

Dinesh altered my perspective about book writing. He never treats book as another commodity. For him and – it’s transformational tool. If you want to be a successful author, trust me, you got to seek Dinesh’s guidance. Period.

Mukesh Kulothia
Author of “Move Mountains”

I used to chase clients in many networking events. When I met Dinesh, I got convinced within 15 minutes of conversation to publish my first ever book and that too relevant to my target clients. That was one of the best decisions I took for my business growth.

Vinod K. Pandita
Author of “The Powerful CEO”

Publish a Great Book, Launch to #1

Dinesh and his team at Pendown Press helps entrepreneurs, professionals and budding authors achieve their goals faster than light by publishing & marketing their book.

With a combined experience of over 150+ years in book publishing and marketing, the experts from Pendown Press can help you build a concept, write, publish, and market your book to influence the world and supercharge the marketing.

Need More Help?

Do you want to discuss how publishing a book can help you build your brand and help grow your business?

Schedule a 15-min One-on-One Zoom Call with Dinesh.

Fill this small form to request for a discussion.